BACKSTORIES by Tokuhiko Kise

In 2010 during a trip to Scotland, we came across a weaver’s store that had been there for over 200 years. The store had an unbelievable amount of neatly lined up items in all kinds of colors and patterns. While looking through, I found a very thick, solid-colored wool.
The weaver dyed it into four colors especially for TRUCK.
As for us Japanese people, we can only imagine wool as a winter fabric. To them, for some reason, it seemed like a material that could be comfortable year-round. I knew that the weather there in Scotland was very different from what it was in Japan so I worried about how it would feel. Nonetheless, I made a sofa covered with the fabric and used it at my home for two years.
And you know what, I found that it was nice all year-round.
This sofa’s feather cushions are wrapped in the thick, uniquely-textured, and soft-to-the-touch wool. The base is supported from the bottom with springs inserted into a blend polyurethane foam.
At first touch, you’ll notice that they are very fluffy but also that you never feel the bottom — the cushion wraps around you just right as your body sinks down into it.
You can also mix the Corner, One-Seater, and Ottoman HN pieces with it as you please. In fact, sitting with your back against a Corner and stretching your legs out is nothing short of sheer bliss.
Tokuhiko Kise